Please support me as I train for the NY Marathon


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

14 Mile Training Run

I think this was around mile 10. I don't think I felt as happy as I appear to be.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


so i have been trying to figure out the answer to this question that i am so often asked these days. "why are you running the marathon?" the reason why i haven't written this yet is because i have been unsure of how to answer. i have tried to articulate the reasons why i think i'm running it and i still do not feel that i am adequately able to express it with my words. but here is my best effort:

because on a saturday morning, at 10 am, when the city is just starting to move, i am experiencing a sense of euphoria at having already finished a 10 or 14 or 16 mile run. and i am unable to create that feeling any other way.

because it makes me feel i'm stronger mentally than i am physically. that i have control over my body. that i can push my body to do more than what seems possible or rational or even sane and that i can feel really, really good doing it.

because i love every second of my training. i love the early morning solo runs in the pouring rain, the after work group runs, the after running bloody marys, the unexpected social life, the group of friends that i can talk to about blisters on my toes and arch support or exercise induced headaches, the coaches that push me to run paces i had no idea i was capable of, the network of runners that i know understand exactly what i'm feeling.

because i turned 30.

because i can eat dessert at every meal.

because i love being devoted to something so intensely that it takes over my life for five months.

because i feel complete when i have a goal in my life to work towards and that i know i will accomplish.

because i am more inspired on marathon sunday every year, than i am on any other day and feel like it is something i finally need to do myself.

because why not?

because i love telling people i'm training for the NY marathon.

because i get chills when i picture myself on november first, waiting on the verranzno amongst 38,000 other runners, to prove to myself that i can run 26.2 consecutive miles.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Running over bridges

When I was living in the east village, some of my favorite runs were over bridges. I found that it was a great way to vary my runs and loved the feeling of running over water. One run in particular that was always fun was running over the Manhattan bridge to Brooklyn and then back over the Brooklyn Bridge. No matter how tired I am, reaching the start of a bridge always gives me a surge adrenaline. I'm hoping as I'm running the marathon, that same surge happens with each bridge.

The five bridges on the New York Marathon course are the Verrazano Bridge at the start, the Pulaski Bridge at mile 13, Queensborough Bridge at mile 15, Willis Ave Bridge at 20, and Madison Ave Bridge at 21.

I'd love to try out the Queensborough before the actual race. Anyone interested?

Music to run to

I am always on the look out for new running music and am constantly asking friends for suggestions, so I was excited to come across this article Marathon Tech Review: Music You Can Run To in the NY Times's Gadgetwise blog. There is a weekly column called Marathon Tech Review featuring e-tools, gadgets and applications that runners can use to monitor their workouts and train for race day.

My favorite mention in the article is about Tangerine, (only available for Macs). It automatically scans your entire music library and then lets you create customized play lists based on the workout goal you’re trying to achieve. It will tell you which of your songs have a certain B.P.M. I haven't downloaded the free 15-day trial yet to test it out, but it sounds great.

Let me know if you have favorite running music. I'm always curious!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thank you!

Thank you to all my wonderful friends and family who have donated. I'm already a third of the way there! I'm able to do this because of your generosity and I am very appreciative.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Marathon Entry

I have tried for the last two years to get into the NY Marathon through the lottery system but have been unsuccessful. When I didn't get in this year, I was devastated. So, I decided to find another way. This is how I came across Team For Kids. Team For Kids is an incredible charity that helps kids fight childhood obesity and by signing up with them, I am granted entry into the marathon. In addition to the entry, I get to train with all the other members and the extremely knowledgeable coaches. Running the marathon has already become such a more fulfilling experience now since I am able to do it with an amazing group.

Here is the catch and this is why I need YOUR help. To sign up with Team For Kids I need to raise $2500. It's hard for me to ask all of you for your financial support, especially when many of you are already so generous with my other cause. However, if you are able, please consider supporting me and this charity. To do so, just click here, and use my marathon entry #333384.

Team For Kids

Here is some information on the charity, Team For Kids:

TFK raises funds for programs which combat childhood obesity and empower youth development via running, goal setting and nutrition programs in low-income schools and community centers. These programs currently serve more than 50,000 children in New York City, throughout the country, and Cape Town, South Africa, all of whom participate in programs which provide unique opportunities for physical activity and academic and personal enrichment. When you donate to Team for Kids, you help vulnerable children develop the health, motivation, and character that will serve as a foundation for success for their entire lives.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Run Paiger Run

I'll be using this blog as a tool to help raise money as well as give any exciting updates with my training. Feel free to check back and see my progress. And thank you so much for your support.