Please support me as I train for the NY Marathon


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Music to run to

I am always on the look out for new running music and am constantly asking friends for suggestions, so I was excited to come across this article Marathon Tech Review: Music You Can Run To in the NY Times's Gadgetwise blog. There is a weekly column called Marathon Tech Review featuring e-tools, gadgets and applications that runners can use to monitor their workouts and train for race day.

My favorite mention in the article is about Tangerine, (only available for Macs). It automatically scans your entire music library and then lets you create customized play lists based on the workout goal you’re trying to achieve. It will tell you which of your songs have a certain B.P.M. I haven't downloaded the free 15-day trial yet to test it out, but it sounds great.

Let me know if you have favorite running music. I'm always curious!

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